Loreto: The sanctuary of the endangered Blue whale

The magnificent blue whales, despite being endangered, can be seen along the coasts of both the Pacific and the Gulf of California in Baja California and Baja California Sur during different months of the year. In Loreto, located on the eastern coast in the Gulf of California, we have unparalleled opportunities to witness these gentle giants in their natural habitat, feeding, mating, nursing their calves, and courting from January to April.

However, blue whales also utilize other areas along the Pacific coast of Baja California and Baja California Sur to migrate and occasionally feed during different months of the year when krill productivity is abundant. Historical records reveal extensive hunting of blue whales off the Pacific coast of Baja California in the 20th century, especially near Magdalena Bay and Adolfo López Mateos.

Norwegian whalers targeted these majestic creatures, with significant captures recorded between 1913 and 1914, and later in the 1920s and 1930s between March and June. According to reports from the Norwegian whaling fleet, the months of March to June represented the best whaling season along this coast, where 989 blue whales were hunted between 1924 and 1929, and in 1935.Despite past hunting pressures, blue whales are still documented feeding in these locations along the eastern and western coasts of Baja California Sur.

Recent observations align with historical hunting patterns, indicating continuous congregations of blue whales in these areas for feeding. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 25,000 blue whales remain. Of these, around 2,800 can be found migrating from the coast of California (USA) to the Gulf of California (Mexico), the largest known population in the world.

This serves as a reminder of the resilience of these endangered creatures and the importance of ongoing conservation efforts.


A Rare Encounter: Witnessing a Hybrid Whale During Our Blue Whale Expeditions in Loreto


The sighting of gray whales in Baja California Sur does not always mean touching them!