Understanding the elusive Pumas in Baja California: Conservation, behavior, and safety tips
Baja California Sur juvenile Mountain Lion by our expedition leader Regina Domingo
The elusive mountain lion, also known as the puma, roams the rugged mountains and deserts of Baja California Sur. These solitary carnivores occupy the top of the food chain, playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Although spotting them is difficult, their presence is a testament to the rich biodiversity of the region.The puma, the cat with the widest distribution in the Americas, is found from sea level up to 5,800 meters in altitude, and also inhabits the jungle.
Baja California Sur Mountain Lion by our expedition leader Regina Domingo
If you encounter a puma, please DO NOT KILL IT. They are the apex predators of our mountain ranges.Tips for encounters with pumas:
Make yourself look big: Do not approach, remain calm, raise your arms to appear larger, and if you are accompanied, climb onto your companion's back.
Give the puma an escape route: Slowly back away and do not corner the puma, as most will avoid confrontation.
Do not run: If you run, you are behaving like prey.
Act like a predator if it approaches: Wave your arms, make noise; try to appear threatening, and look it straight in the eyes.
Community, let's remember... If we want to conserve the puma, we must also take care of its main prey. It is a very important species because its life cycle contributes to maintaining the balance. That impact on other species is what most catches our attention. In addition, pumas are very stealthy animals with nocturnal and crepuscular habits. They are active at night, which is when they hunt, and at dawn. They also move during the day, but their activity is much less.